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Books, Movies, Music

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Overdrive Platform (Windows/iOS Desktop/ChromeOS) Libby App- (iOS Device/Android)

EBSCO eBooks - (Windows/iOS Desktop/Chrome) EBSCO Audiobooks App- (iOS/Android)

Libby App Tutorial
EBSCO eBooks Tutorial
Use this tutorial to access Overdrive's popular eBooks and audiobooks with the Libby app. This video will walk you through accessing and checking out eBook titles on your device.  Libby includes fiction and nonfiction titles, in addition to audiobooks, music, and video titles. Use this tutorial to access EBSCO eBooks on your computer or digital reader. The video will walk you through the steps to access these titles. EBSCO eBooks are from various collections and include K-12, in addition to undergraduate academic titles.
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Search for Films and Media

Academic Video Online- Alexander Street Academic Video Online is the most comprehensive video subscription available to libraries. It delivers almost 70,000 titles spanning the widest range of subject areas including anthropology, business, counseling, film, health, history, music, and more. More than 14,000 titles are exclusive to Alexander Street. Curated for the educational experience, the depth of content and breadth of content-types (such as documentaries, films, demonstrations, etc.) in Academic Video Online makes it a useful resource for all types of patrons.
Films on Demand Films on Demand is a streaming video database of thousands of high-quality educational titles in dozens of subject areas from producers such as Films for the Humanities & Sciences, NOVA, BBC, ABC, CBS, MSNBC, and TEDTalks . Films can be shown in full length or clips. Clips can be combined to make personalized playlists. 
Swank Motion Pictures- Campus Streaming Swank Digital Campus provides colleges and universities with an academic streaming collection. Swank Digital Campus simplifies film distribution by providing faculty and students a legal streaming resource both on and off campus.Swank offers digital access to films purchased for viewing on the platform. Films may be requested by faculty on a limited basis. Contact a librarian for more information.
60 Minutes- Alexander Street Alexander Street is a primary source streaming service that provides access to news and documentaries through its online database. Jefferson College presently subscribes to Alexander Street's 60 Minutes collection which contains episodes or the aforementioned show from 1997-2014.
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